2024 week 25 :
"'Ivy' itch seems arrested. COA week 22 blowup survived. Topless for 100+ heat index 'works'."
168 whole hours this week: sleep 81 (down 11) ; others 87 ; growth 63 hours (up 32 hours) ;
study web write 28 absorb snags into sociality control sociality to self-interest 34 morph blog toward post-PhD case-study MO closure 01 (click here)
biggies: :: a simplified retirement? :: Sunday intermediate fast :: renewed Disney World annual-pass retirement ideation :: teeth clean 114.75.56 : first euphoria WITHOUT a eats binge reward ? NOT :: Laura died :: ordered M4 :: 282# :: LOST FIRST POUND 280# :: 279# :: 279.# COA potluck :: received keyboard cut new M4 bag for parts :: 280# :: E gos cue abs exercise 50 set -- first of 21 exercise routine :: non biggies : :: life flow precedence network fragment :: ordered M4 tote :: ankle scrub :: 6 hour sleep day :: computer wipes :: new "glasses' case :: 2-side tape :: COA eats potluck binge :: Amazon orders :: nixed large bin :: cleared 2nd Fidelity :: belted M4 keyboard :: lots of urine dump :: extreme vivid dream very sound sleep :: Somehow Blogger or the html process injects this junk code weird results.
Harv does not understand why this fragmentation happens. Probably the same mystery as Modus Operandi causing modus operandi rewrite. Attempt to correct perpetuates the assumed html code.
"...When looking at other posts, I saw a fair amount of junk code, suggesting you had copied and pasted your text from MS Word or other rich-text application. That is a bad idea generally, and would also explain the unexpected change in type size. To fix it in publshed posts, edit each post and select the text, then use the remove-formatting tool on your toolbar (at far right) to strip the cruft away. Apply needed formatting as needed from within Blogger, and then update the post. Going forward, you can paste as unformatted text, ctrol-alt-v." (some forum comment)