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procrastination is down for the count, persona targets spiff  2024 week 30 to :
"3rd Disney World annual pass life.phase (train/bus commute) replaces 'World Cruise ideation'?
168 w.hours available this week:  sleep 88  
(down 08) ;  others 80 ;  
self.growth into this week 77 hours
  (up 25 hours) ; 
study web write 26. absorb snags / stumbles into sociality - control sociality to self-interest 45. morph blog toward post-PhD case-study MO closure 06  (  BIGGIES:  ::  272#  ::  Ray 20min  :: 
 273.5# ::
 273# bread err/treat with filet  ::
  272.5# but not overeating   ::
  ::  April nutritionist fiber focus several #2 McD sandwiches and ‘Summit’ bars  ::  weekend overnight in w.Kissimmee tolls  ::   first real write and immediate publish (closure no over running ! procrastination   ::   NON BIGGIES :  ::  DW gas before dawn then quit mid-morning with Air.M1 glean near finished = presaged as dust settling (Susan seen as settled for now?)  ::  quit after facing 2009 buried material in Air.M1    ::  new noise muffs   ::   into Magic Kingdom  ::   longest DW day so far  ::   stamina better weak arches ankles lower legs right butt may get worse   ::   iPad hard reboot probably virus   ::   April fiber add apple green pepper each weekend   ::   several 8oz of diet coke phosphate  ::   oil change   ::   12300 steps   ::       



Easier 'real' retirement (continues away from COA dining)?   2024 week 29 to :    
"Let the much growth dust settle (trend 52 81 66 74 65 63 31 43 28 42 60 45 60 43 58).
168 w.hours this week:  sleep 96  
(up 32) ;  others 72 ;  self.growth 52 hours
  (down 29 hours) ;  
week work flows
study web write 30   
absorb snags / stumbles into sociality - control sociality to self-interest 21. 
 morph blog toward post-PhD case-study MO closure 01 (    
BIGGIES:  ::  drove to DW McD   ::  emptied iCloud Photos x2 for fresh start  ::  275# in spite of two #2 and two DW filets
  274.5#  ::
   nix TX  ::
   tooth hotspot returned to control with Vince 
  ::  first real write / publish feel   ::  273#  ::    COA feels hollow BE CAREFUL   ::  x2 filet and #2 sandwich decaf   ::   276#  in effect ate for two days   ::     NON BIGGIES :  ::   clothes change  ::   metabolism turns cold almost ill feel  ::   toenail clip with foot stool   ::   walker walking pace quickened a bit   ::   train / bus info seems optimum   ::  left car lights on recharge 66<100    ::   12800 steps   ::       


  perhaps a long-term push for spiff return builds  2024 week 28 to :    

"With consistent weight loss, spiff may fit now-shirts, soon shoulder hair,  jeans, dress boots?
168 whole hours this week:  sleep 64  
(down 10) ;  others 104 ;  self.growth 81 hours
  (UP 15 hours) ;  
study web write 77   
absorb snags into sociality - control sociality to self-interest 04. 
 morph blog toward post-PhD case-study MO closure 00  (click here)
BIGGIES:  ::  super settled weeks.close\open on M4  ::  277# nix popcorn  :: 
 bought DW pass train tickets
 DW McD ‘king in heaven’  ::
  lost mobile train app  ::
  survived rain 
  ::  276#   ::  text Susan   ::   almost lost part of blog NOT careful enough   ::   275.5#  ::   Apple support guided getting off iCloud Photos
  ::  18000 steps
     NON BIGGIES :  ::   cocoa spoiled ::  bought data cable  ::  got thru an unsettled July4th holiday   ::  nuts  ::  7100 steps L ankle ache ::  clipped M4 strap   ::  Sunrail app with Dani   ::  ordered poncho / cable  ::  Lynx ID   ::  pushed to walking limit  ::  debug M4 bags  ::  gel on muscle aches  ::  update Air  :: worked Air   ::  M4 files   ::  iCloud Photos down to 38282 f ~63k   ::  deleted 63k TWICE at <1000 each selection with many Apple shutdowns   ::   Disney Springs Lime garage


 2024 week 27 :    

"Satisficed WRITE, nixes procrastination, therefore, M4 Finder cull and Slides cull begins.
168 whole hours this week:  sleep 74  
(up 03) ;  others 94 ;  self growth 66 hours
  (down 8 hours) ;  
week work flows into Saturday
study web write 47  
absorb snags into sociality - control sociality to self-interest 19 
 morph blog toward post-PhD case-study MO closure 00  (click here)
BIGGIES:  ::  M4 2nd full computer operates third of 3  ::  culmination feel  :: 
 big personal work day  ::
 277.5# down 3.5# last week on Monday 
   278#  ::
  ::   276.5#   ::  companioned Jean\Paul   ::   sociality challenges flourish   ::   nix iPad $apps   ::   278# after Sakura   ::    COA data transfers  ::  no Sakura nix cocoa with c.filet   ::    less eats out of sorts  ::   change.learning overload   ::  merged 38410 Photos on iPad
NON BIGGIES :  ::  Susan   ::  Jim Colburn   ::   Lisa’s (Chris) advice   ::  solved M4 brightness   ::  ‘old feel’ day  ::   $20mo iPad  ::  ordered stick/data.cable   ::  easily found extra comb   ::   archived bins   ::  iCloud works  ::  iPad tabs work  ::  $20mo iPad T-mobile necessity probably  ::  M4 glue spots  ::  fix seat belt alarm ?  ::   unblock walker for Disney  ::   left key on 55%>   ::   Christina leaves COA cementing COA firewall   ::