second all day fast 24w37 271.5#
Cici Sakura breakfast ejected from wKissimmee Walmart 24w37 274.5#
24w38 271.5#
24w39 271# WEEK 2024w39
168 w.hours available this week: sleep 80
(down —) ; other 88 =52% gross productivity if you will
study web write.flow including post-PhD case-study 49
absorb snags / stumbles into sociality - control sociality to self-interest 29
self.growth into this week 78 hours
(down — hours) 46
net productivity if you will; BIGGIES THIS WEEK :: 146 WRITE PCP HEALTH* :: 271# two pints ice cream two Cici :: 271.5# one pint ice cream :: published dissertation to Blogger :: my intellectual swimming pool is now filled :: pop science :: tied CPMproject with act#156end as an organized.self :: *at the beginning of each week there are underlined aims
NON BIGGIES :: got jumper to charge :: got keyboard keys to light :: weak feel W :: R surprise ! COA closed Paula+ there also :: write-focus proceeds :: two Cici soups one sticky bun three Cici in four day Disney World McD weekend :: non Walmart sleep spot ten miles from write cabin :: 14,600 step ::
WELD :: W weak but feel WHOLE (wholly) :: time to let the actualization SOAK :: new web site title WAS’A MESS ? from WHAT’A MESS :: newest EV’R LESS’A MESS ::