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 WEEK 268#  2024w40                         

168 w.hours available this week:  sleep 86  
(up  06) ;  other 82  =00% gross productivity if you will
study web write.flow including post-PhD case-study 44 hrs
absorb snags / stumbles into sociality - control sociality to self-interest 26 hrs
self.growth into this week 70 hours
  (down 08 hours) 00
net productivity if you will;  
70 78 78 70 69 79 74 39 
29 48 77 52 81 66 74 65 63 31 43 28 42 60 45 60 43 58 - 2024 history
BIGGIES THIS WEEK ::  155’CPM’graceful death*   ::  skip ice celebration? NO one pint   ::  seventh week of prosperity(wealth welfare well-being)   ::  271# nix double Cici soups   :: 154 muse JoyLoveFreeing happiness  ::  272# protein bar last night  ::  gave up MESS feel changed blog title back to y86  ::  157 donate 12thFLgal. blood 154 144  ::  protein bar  ::  270# two pints ice cream  ::  RHYS V26  ::  illustration eleven reaches into calendar  ::  268#  ::     ::    ::    *at the beginning of each week there are underlined aims     NON BIGGIES ::  two seconds of dizzy while driving  ::  left COA early F to flee from sad and go to Disney World McD joy environ   ::  resumes publication  ::  why productivity tailed off — retirement ease clarity of  ‘CPM’ death   ::  13,900 steps  ::   ::    WELD ::    ::