24w42 multiple personal well-being (aka self-esteem) breakpoints
168 w.hours available this week: sleep 95
(up 07) ; other 73 =00% gross productivity if you will
study web write.flow including post-PhD case-study 32 hrs
absorb snags / stumbles into sociality - control sociality to self-interest 26 hrs
self.growth into this week 58 hours
(down 11 hours) 00
net productivity if you will; 58 69 70 78 78 70 69 79 74 39
BIGGIES THIS WEEK :: rebuild healthier self* :: eight weeks of Disney World McDonalds “write-cabin” :: 184 integrate sectioned[abstract] writ* 183 :: 189 get self where* 186 :: probably food poisoning :: retch feel down to 20 and 10% … :: Susan talk THRICE :: 190 develop self-stable resiliency* 175 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: *at the beginning and close of each week there are underlined aims organized toward self-fulfillment NON BIGGIES :: U 100% retch feel day no eats water in afternoon :: M oatmeal a.m. crispy chicken filet heightened 50% retch feel :: T oatmeal a.m. 3 fish filet hunger with ketchup :: nix Cici’s :: began winter clothes :: Dave’s triple :: baked potato chili 2nd time :: end winterize :: 2 crispy 2 fish eats :: two Wendy’s :: 5600 steps :: WELD :: 190 develop self-stable resiliency* 175 :: 191 close/open blog week* 190 :: 192 listen Susan listenee* 193 ::