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rewritten 2024oct28

a post PhD publication

This Blogger publication (anticipated completion 2025) applies a 1996 PhD 1400 page dissertation Theory W (locates in the Library Of Congress knowledge scheme as BeyondMatrixOrganization) to an individual as a Functional Organization (see dissertation pages 5-6 under link “ complete”).  Within this publication, Illustration Eleven  would be the evidential crux of  Theory W precedence network to an individual’s self organization.

a case study

This case study applies Functional Organization principles to the individual as an organization.  

Taking this individual organization, its ‘Why’ purpose precedence database record is stated as 

“task/act#156 arrive ultimate end pre-act# 174 157 155 140” (Illustration Eleven).   

The conflict of the individual’s internal Informal Organization with the external world’s Formal Organization influence is ameliorated by the individual’s Functional Organization, which, in the individual case has only one job description.  

larger application

Application to larger organizations with more employees, in full or in part, provides the advantage of coordinated job descriptions as a byproduct of Functional Organization as opposed to the historically determined job descriptions developed on their own, with their inherent issues of non coordination and even conflict.  The Theory W dissertation addresses the success of several partial applications.

validity, reliability, fairness

The Functional Organization is valid.across the organizations’ job descriptions, reliable with weekly actualization of tasks feedback including calendar, and fair in its link to the organization’s vision statement (usually in the annual reports of larger organizations).

Theory W satisfices by simplifying the individual’s world into tasks that can answer the Why and Way justifications as to the organization’s life.flow 24/7 work.  Realism is afforded by interconnecting the task justifications for productivity insight even into the individual’s calendar for focus on productivity.

Most individuals however, resist the idea of justifying their whole hours and/or accounting for the Way to some organization strategy even if it’s their own — especially when put in writing.

Theory W requires reasoning with avoidance of the strict definition of logic science.

this individual organization

This Theory W application is a dynamic written statement (database) of the individual’s organization’s vision, strategy, productivity, time management,  It “eases the [heuristic] cognitive load of making decisions” (see heuristic definition below) as to the Why-Way life.flow tasks of the individual’s organization.

how does Harv’s organization “arrive ultimate end”

Theory W (why, way, when, who, … etc), precedence network principles include CPM, that is, Critical Path Method in its traditional engineering project control history.

However, under Theory W Functional Organization, the ‘CPM’ does not prize the reduction of the “when” timing flow of the organization task / task elements.  The Critical Path to the Functional organization’s strategy / vision is rather to optimize the task / act results along the “way” of timed steps — a sort of Critical Path Optimization (CPO) if you will.

in Harv’s case study

This abstract marks the 2024oct start of the closure of task / act “publish post-phD case-study” [194 close post-PhD publication 182] probably in 2025 - a large task !  Smaller organization tasks are more easily exemplified. 

For example, since the “case-study” closure is on the horizon, what’s next ?

real retirement next ?

Too many attempts have been made over many decades to vision Harv’s “real retirement” — ALL FAILED !

With the experience of writing this task ‘194 post-Phd case-study’, Harv can now use Theory W to “ease the cognitive load of making decisions” about yet another try at “195 real retirement.”

Thus he scribbles Page “195 real retirement.”  And intends to in-perpetuity functionally organize his life.flow to optimize his CPO.

His organization Illustration Eleven will end, but not without his concerted effort to complete a generalization depiction of his lifetime work — and  

Most organizations are considered ‘in-perpetuity’ — Well Worth being Functionally Organized via Theory W principles — call it F.ORganization.

…………………………. supporting information


2024oct02       Satisficing is a decision-making strategy or cognitive heuristic that entails searching through the available alternatives until an acceptability threshold is met.[1] The term satisficing, a portmanteau of satisfy and suffice,[2] was introduced by Herbert A. Simon in 1956,[3][4] although the concept was first posited in his 1947 book Administrative Behavior.[5][6] Simon used satisficing to explain the behavior of decision makers under circumstances in which an optimal solution cannot be determined. He maintained that many natural problems are characterized by computational intractability or a lack of information, both of which preclude the use of mathematical optimization procedures. He observed in his Nobel Prize in Economics speech that "decision makers can satisfice either by finding optimum solutions for a simplified world, or by finding satisfactory solutions for a more realistic world. Neither approach, in general, dominates the other, and both have continued to co-exist in the world of management science".[7]        Simon formulated the concept within a novel approach to rationality, which posits that rational choice theory is an unrealistic description of human decision processes and calls for psychological realism. He referred to this approach as bounded rationality. Moral satisficing is a branch of bounded rationality that views moral behavior as based on pragmatic social heuristics rather than on moral rules or optimization principles. These heuristics are neither good nor bad per se, but only in relation to the environments in which they are used.[8] Some consequentialist theories in moral philosophy use the concept of satisficing in a similar sense, though most call for optimization instead.


2024oct02        A heuristic[1] or heuristic technique (problem solving, mental shortcut, rule of thumb)[2][3][4][5] is any approach to problem solving that employs a pragmatic method that is not fully optimized, perfected, or rationalized, but is nevertheless "good enough" as an approximation or attribute substitution.[6][7] Where finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical, heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution.[8][9] Heuristics can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision.[10][11][12]    Heuristic reasoning is often based on induction, or on analogy[.] [...] Induction is the process of discovering general laws [...] Induction tries to find regularity and coherence [...] Its most conspicuous instruments are generalization, specialization, analogy. [...] Heuristic discusses human behavior in the face of problems [...that have been] preserved in the wisdom of proverbs.[13] — George Pólya, How to Solve It


noun: the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way.  Google’s English dictionary is provided by Oxford Languages.