Harv’s 2025 SELF CALDRON
In mid 2024, Harv logged his first several write hours that he considered write. Since, he has logged few others. He has not established a write.flow in 2024 — thus a self.cauldron for 2025 is scoped. [But there has been progress — a second nine hour write.session was logged in week 24w33.]
He defined himself, with highlights of definition as “complete individuality”, “own” as in ownership, his “nature and character”, a “better” self, and his “interests.” But the basis for this is already lost — overrun by other thoughts.
The Content of his 2024 Self Perspective included his ‘better’ Spirit Commands; his universal human hierarchical needs as Existence needs fulfillment, Relatedness needs fulfillment, and Growth needs fulfillment; Harv’s immediate three faces of his self — I-Self, Me-Self, and We-Self; then to a way the self is functionally organized beginning with a definition of the Universal-Self where I-Choice is the central essence of each individual self; and from there comes a Target-Self into view; and in conclusion, the love hierarchy which can be chosen as a way to happiness; Respect all 117 billion humans that exist or have existed, Encourage those within 24/7 reach of one’s self realm, and Challenge selected others with self-protection rules not necessarily overt.
However, the self practices self-preservation thought by being covert within an open-self-nature. Harv feels his brain / mind thinking 24/7 — never shutting down, nor does he try to shutit down, for example, he attempts to structure sweet dreams, even day dreams, as a counter-brain-tool to manage the continuous flow of thought.
Content of this computer page — write fragments
- 1. perennial Happiness.
- 2. Harv’s jobs.life
- 3. 13,000 years ago
- 4. the need to scope his self.work.flow, self.write.flow, …
- 5. “Fatal Flaw” concludes — not diagnoses
- 6. Harv is a minimalism grinder.
- 7. Two life-time parallel realities — naif and learning
- 8.
- 9. Harv’s marriage.work.life
- 10. Harv’s youth.work.life
- 11 Too responsible source
In his big picture of his self, Harv connects cooperation with “unified.” In his mind, getting life tasks more together (more unified and choices ‘cooperating’, that is, more functional), is betterment. Thus he studies to better understand and cooperate between his self actions in the self-interest of what he has formulated as the positive human feelings / emotions — Joy, Love, and Freeing. His aim then may be more J, more L, more F — however tempered by the idea of “unlimited wants and limited resources.” That could be critiqued as selfish, but Harv thinks not — it’s his self-interest.
Cooperation (written as co-operation in British English …) takes place when a group of [things] works or acts together for a collective benefit to the group as opposed to working in competition for … individual benefit. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The omitted word (...) is selfish.
selfish: adjective: • (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure. New Oxford American Dictionary
Harv ‘s youth education was from parochial school — daily Mass where he followed along with his missal (the black flexible-cover onion-skinned book with those impressive mark strings of various vivid colors), classroom nuns, and occasional religious lessons from the priests. Probably from the priests, he caught the drift that he should read-between-the-lines of the testaments AND of particular impression on Harv — “sins of omission.” Perhaps there he learned to think — mind-wandering and wondering. Young Harv was to pray that his parent would get back together — Harv knew, “Not a chance.” Harv was supposed to go to individual confession along with the class and we marched over to church. Harv remembers having trouble thinking up sins to confess. During one confession, Father G began questioning — I was uncomfortably caught lying. After that Harv discovered an out — if you went to confession on the weekend with your parents you wouldn’t have to go into the confessional as the class matched over to church during the week. If mother ever asked if I went to confession, “I went at school.” Certainly that was a lie and open to theological definition as venial, but that’s all that Harv had were of venial caliber. So much for confession until 30+ years later at a self-study quasi-religious retreat, and without sins, which probably means without guilt. However, still in mid life crisis mode, I did not have it together.
Over the weeks in 2024aug, Harv’s write.work has developed into a patterned life.flow sustained by his three day weekly travel to his Disney World “write cabin,” that is, McDonald’s. Although more write, but less focused, has been increasing at Orange City COA and in the car.
The evidence is exemplified by his reversed (from 2024w35 back to 24w01) trend pattern of weekly wholly.hours spent on write and sociality — Harv is more intellectually ‘awake’ and focused on his well-being in terms of positive polarities fulfillment.
begin Illustration One
:year 2024 weekly.wholly.hours
(in reverse order from week 2024week35 back to 24w01)
for current week I-Self
79 74 39 29 48 77 52 81 66 74 65 63 31 43 28 42 60 45 60 43 58 .
The year 2024 began with sporadic (underlined) higher life.productivity — 60 45 60 43 58. Then, in the second quarter, life.flow productivity increased (light green highlight) — 81 66 74 65 63. At mid year 2024, a relative lull — personal challenges screwed with his personal productivity — COA attitude* damped his productivity, plus he achieved 24/7 internet connection in his car, he launched into a renewed tackle of his computer mess with an M4 iPad (a non-files approach with limitations — one computer may no longer do it all for Harv — the iPad may not be Harv’s future). * He humorous says with a smile and chuckle, “I hate old people”, Recently, several ‘oldest’ have joined, one 99 years — she is vital and different from the ‘downer’ spirits.
Going forward (the green characters underlined) his personal productivity is reestablished — 79 74. However, he maintains hopeful ever better diligence toward the fulfillment of his Existence and Relatedness needs.
end Illustration One
Harv seeks clarity. He aims to clarify his self understanding. He writes to present his self clarification. He has become more aware of his world defining him — especially a definition that he is not. He understands why politicians race to define their opponents.Harv’s youth was formed to believe that humans were meant to cooperate — not to oppose — nor to kill each other, even to kill part of their spirit.
His growing understanding of challenge love has a connection to sorting those that oppose you — a definite personal betterment. He may have “wised up” to this personal issue in mid 2024 (see Illustration One) — indirectly helping to un leash his better productivity.
Write also helps better his too-responsible criticism.
In general, write is Harv’s self-psychological-therapist — self Dx for which publication helps with self.critique, carried into Tx betterment action, mistakes corrected, and on with the aim of Joy-Love-Freeing fulfillment with shared laughter and definitely a smile for anyone ans everyone. Talk, as opposed to no-talk for those who fit within Harv’s 24/7 weekly limitation. Write may expand that depending on those that read and talk and/or write themselves.
Specifically, in hindsight, with the purpose of understanding his current built-up self, he puts some pieces together, under the criticism, that picking his life pieces is likely biased.
He picks at pop psychology, like he has done 100s of time before in his time of problem-solving need. Sure he has these minor problems that continually need solving. At the end of each life chapter, just like studying a textbook, there are a myriad of problems present for solution. At 86, he writes the solutions evidentially, for many of his life.flow.chapters — Illustration Seven - ten ME-SELF scenes and Illustration Six - Harv’s college degree progression.
…… under construction AFTER MORE THOUGHT the following WILL BE REWRITTEN
— a temporary.written.fragment.closure of a life distraction responding to (daughter Susan’s temper-caused car damage and her ‘this next’ psychological blowout and my somewhat panicked intervention — his write.work.life.flow was interrupted seemingly before it started. In this case he did not overrun his writing ain - whatever overrun means — he was able to ‘easily’ absorb it using his current life style / tools. “Yea — finally !”
That absorption was his fourth real write session and his first outside of Disney World McDonalds, ie, his changed / bettered retirement life style with weekly travel into Disney World quality for support of his write.work.life.
His serious study of his life flow began in the 1970s, within his marriage years. And his study of writing went along with his progression of education degrees 1956-1996.
He invested in personal computing begining in 1980, aimed at writing himself out of his problems. The computers led to the internet, particularity difficult with car-living. He sent in a 1400 page dissertation for his 1996 PhD. Since, he invested in Scrivener software which did little to enhance his writing ability. In parallel, he availed free websites to publish his ‘work’. He muddled along. Then come serious use of Blogger after 2018, along with his Florida-living reinvention. In 2024 he achieved 24/7 internet for his car. The ability to instantly publish, although an editorial nightmare, was magic. There was ‘the world’ out there looking at the scribble.
But Harv came to distinguish between blog and write in 2024 — solidified his blog as personal performance evidence, and began to write. His internet site now clearly distinguishes between blog contents and write.contents. In mid 2024 — BINGO — four write session were achieved wher Harv spent hours and actually closed something, even if only a fragment, AND published that into his ‘world’ unedited, YET the write was published and accessible instead of being overrun and forgotten.
Thusly he writes.
From his blog Harv recognizes four write-work sessions that have begun a pattern he calls his write-work-life-flow — distinct from other life flow patterns, ie, job.life.flow, marriage.life.flow, education.life.flow, … [He questions the use of “-“ or “.” to create his compound words.]
Harv’s life:time aim is primarily to facilitate his write.flow to clarify / understand whatever he chooses, AND to do it in retrieval written evidence for his read, and to build further personal growth. In his past marriage.life he used 35mm slides — 4000 of those are still stuck in his digital conversion dream. And he harbors perhaps a million words of scribble ‘lost’ in his several computers.
This write.flow aim will fulfill his growth interest for his remaining years.
For his write.flow, he uses a ‘friendly’ computer with word processing software, and he has come to find that instant publication, as in blogging, facilitates some control over his thought overrunning and non-closure tendency — fertile ground for his future personal growth.
In clear hindsight as another task of his write, from his blog , in week 35, he considers the blog.development task actualized (closed). The next task is to change his behavior to self betterment, ie, (1) solidify the Disney World quality flavor to retirement regiment, (2) better cope with daughter Susan’s hardship (her responsibility) without Harv’s self deprecation / disapproval (which probably was her father’s family condition, ie, deprecated / disapproved), (3) …
Harv hunts for clarity growth. Included in that are evidentiary curation quotes of the current news — copy-and-paste note-taking as he reads about the world news going on around him and written about by others, used to form his thought opinions (brain writing). His future growth lay in better communication via evidentiary writing. Perhaps strangely, the publication only used as an organizational toll for his own productive read.
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— currently his upcoming 2025 SELF CALDRON, within which his write.work is critical for input clarity into his future self growth even in his 86th year.
An impactive example of clarity into Harv’s self is lit by a current-events media-article which he curated below. The moral of the story is Harv likewise searches for clarity of his self, more-so than his need to clarify a yacht sinking.
Illustration Two
A hunt for clarity - example
Headline: The hunt for clarity. The brother of James Cutfield, the captain, said he was a “well-respected” sailor who had worked on boats his whole life. Did the experienced sailor somehow make a series of catastrophic errors? Rescuers instead found the wreckage of the Bayesian 50 meters underwater with its almost 10-meter-long keel raised. Had it been deployed, it could have helped counter the wind buffeting the Bayesian’s 75-meter high aluminum mast and kept the ship stable. But without it, experts told the newspaper La Repubblica that gusts of 100 kilometers an hour (62mph) would have been enough to capsize the ship – and Monday’s storm far exceeded that. Much of the focus for the investigation team is of course on the conduct of the captain, 51-year-old James Cutfield from New Zealand. He survived, along with eight of his crew, and is being questioned. “We didn’t see it coming,” he told Italian media, alluding to the storm, in his only public comment so far. The problem is: plenty of others did. Violent winds and rain were forecast, following days of searing heat. The head of the company that built the Bayesian, Giovanni Costantino, told me he was convinced there had been a litany of errors on board. “At the back of the boat, a hatch must have been left open,” he said, “but also perhaps a side entrance for water to have poured inside. "Before the storm, the captain should have closed every opening, lifted anchor, turned on the engine, pointed into the wind and lowered the keel." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0l8kj1p0ylo
Clarity. Harv’s write.work.life.flow aim is clarity into his self. Fo him, clarity means to write, and to read what he writes. Unfortunately, his human entropy steals and hides his clarity from him. In informal terms, “Harv fights the disorder within his self.”
So what does clarity get him? In short, his clarity gets his self to positive human emotions / feelings within his self and the seeing of that in others — those are Joy Love Freeing (JLF).
Though out his 86 years, he has lost clarity continuously — he forgets, has a tendency not to follow current rules, gets into trouble, he is a kid never growing up, …, and wants to grow his mind in intelligence in the interest of fulfilling his universal hierarchical human needs, those of Existence Relatedness Growth. He considers his Existence and Relatedness fulfilled — although in-car living and COA sociality can be debated, and subject to authority.
To counter entropy and make his growth easier, and perhaps his behavior better, he has stumbled into Blogger publication to sharpen self criticism and allow another to peep into his inner workings about which he is also very curious. Publication has permitted his ability to read his writing — his initial identification of his writing was apologetically referred to as “scribbling” (in his ignorance he has used “scribble” and “write”). But as 2024 progresses, he is enthused by his Blogger writing.
Harv’s progress has been what some would describe as a long road. His computer writing support began in 1980. In 2024 week 34 he uncovered from his files a personal 1990s writing that mentioned his 13 year use of his T1000 computer — that was associated with his dissertation writing period challenge which pulled his job.work.life together under the heading of Functional Organization. His formal education degree progress has been personal.life.work — a search / chase for self in his current terms.
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What is Harv’s problem? After thought stirring — is he too responsible? In AP (amateur psychology) parlay, “Everyone is a too-responsible fit.”
But Harv, in the mid 1990s flipped his housing responsibility within his then current singles-marketplace sociality, from his tradition of male “bread winner” responsibility to the female having the household through divorce or widowhood. In crude terms, “What lady? You want ANOTHER household financed by me when you already have one from the previous fool?” And Harv lost out in the competition for one lady he was helping ‘rehabilitate’ to a guy who build her a house ! She might not have realized that he was older and looking for a care-giver — good luck to yo both.
Ben Franklin had this “harder I work, the luckier I get think” that Harv whereby Harv listened to and added “the harder and smarter I work” as input into his work.life scheme. So, he took a live-in with a millionaire MS lady whose leg twitched every 12 seconds when sound asleep. Harv laid there in sex afterglow counting — before he moved off to another bedroom for his sleep. The last and best sex of Harv’s whole life but not the best sweaty as with K. S had a uterus that seem like a boxer punching ball. “Wow !” But S insisted that I backslide into a past job as College Professor. So I increased the housing responsibility flipping by doing Contractual Home Sharing in the KCMO area. After several years I moved on from P but she kept calling me for a year to come back.
This is what Harv left behind. Why? A: to chase family betterment and to live with Susan, then in Ohio.”
Thus in the 1990s, Harv had freed himself from that being too-responsible caused by his childhood AP fit.
Quite often, this tendency to be overly responsible stems from childhood experiences. Personal struggles, necessity to survive, fit in, be loved, keep the peace or avoid rejection. This pattern becomes a deeply ingrained habit, which means first, they are hard to discover and second, difficult to shift.May 5, 2023 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-too-overly-responsible-your-own-good-mandy-napier-bsc#:~:text=Quite%20often%2C%20this%20tendency%20to,and%20second%2C%20difficult%20to%20shift.
Tell-tale signs of over-responsibility are guilt when saying no or being yourself, struggling to ask or receive help, fear of “outshining others,” extreme independence and inability to trust that others will take on responsibility so you take it on.Oct 10, 2023 https://nypost.com/2023/10/10/are-you-over-responsible-9-signs-of-a-people-pleaser/#:~:text=Tell%2Dtale%20signs%20of%20over,so%20you%20take%20it%20on. The article title included “…9 signs of a 'people pleaser'.
Further problem, does Harv do AP fitting relative to Susan and his own self? That is, “Is he still responsible at 86y for his 60y daughter who confides in him that her 15y therapist confronted Susan with being “passive suicidal”. Harv the too-responsible parent panicked, forming an intervention team of friends and her peers. Harv got chastised by Susan for that !
Harv had now dead Central Wisconsin relatives who wouldn’t talk to other close relatives for a dozen years. When Harv actively listened as to what was the initial no-talk cause, the no-talkers could not remember — they forgot the cause but held unto the effect. Harv thought — STUPID, and he continues to resist no-talk — but he paid a current price via no-talk Susan’s chastisement of Harv. However, ‘daily’ texts have returned to the mailboxes, and everybody lives “Happily ever after. Ha ha. 😳”
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Are they the subject / victim of amateur psychology (AP) ?
… the dispenser of psychological and psychoanalytical generalities, of truisms and "untruisms," has only one theory into which … the unfortunate party must fit. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2005-12019-003
Is this “shopping for what?” — looking for a source to pin an explanation upon the ‘problem’.
But he does not follow many traditional rules, and thus finds balance there. Good old pop psychology playing to the human condition.
He evidences
In hindsight, that’s one task of his write, ie, the blog evidence part. For week 35, he considers the blog.development task actualized (closed). The next part is to change his behavior to self betterment, ie, (1) solidify Disney World flavor to retirement regiment, (2) better cope with daughter Susan’s hardship (her responsibility) without Harv’s self deprecation / disapproval (which probably was her father’s family condition, ie, deprecated / disapproved), (3) …
…… under construction
He updates his Blogger Contents following the ‘kindle contents’ model — that pushes Blogger to not only blog but to assist in Harv’s write.work.life.flow. Previously, Scrivener was a ‘failure’ for Harv.
As part of his blog going forward, Harv added a ‘first’ BIGGIE underlined to indicate his lead task (one aim) for the week, that of write.work.flow — the link to which has been in Introduction. In any linkage, the end-up is here — currently his upcoming 2025 SELF CALDRON, within which his write.work is critical for input clarity into his future self growth even in his 86th year.
An impactive example of clarity into Harv’s self is lit by a current events media article which he curates below. The moral of the story is Harv searches for clarity of his self.
2024aug25sunday. The hunt for clarity example. Headline: The hunt for clarity. The brother of James Cutfield, the captain, said he was a “well-respected” sailor who had worked on boats his whole life. Did the experienced sailor somehow make a series of catastrophic errors? Rescuers instead found the wreckage of the Bayesian 50 meters underwater with its almost 10-meter-long keel raised. Had it been deployed, it could have helped counter the wind buffeting the Bayesian’s 75-meter high aluminum mast and kept the ship stable. But without it, experts told the newspaper La Repubblica that gusts of 100 kilometers an hour (62mph) would have been enough to capsize the ship – and Monday’s storm far exceeded that. Much of the focus for the investigation team is of course on the conduct of the captain, 51-year-old James Cutfield from New Zealand. He survived, along with eight of his crew, and is being questioned. “We didn’t see it coming,” he told Italian media, alluding to the storm, in his only public comment so far. The problem is: plenty of others did. Violent winds and rain were forecast, following days of searing heat. The head of the company that built the Bayesian, Giovanni Costantino, told me he was convinced there had been a litany of errors on board. “At the back of the boat, a hatch must have been left open,” he said, “but also perhaps a side entrance for water to have poured inside. "Before the storm, the captain should have closed every opening, lifted anchor, turned on the engine, pointed into the wind and lowered the keel." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0l8kj1p0ylo
Clarity. Harv’s write.work.life.flow aim is clarity into his self. Fo him, clarity means to write, and to read what he writes. Unfortunately, his human entropy steals and hides his clarity from him. In informal terms, “Harv fights the disorder within his self.”
So what does clarity get him? In short, his clarity gets his self to positive human emotions / feelings within his self and the seeing of that in others — those are Joy Love Freeing (JLF).
Though out his 86 years, he has lost clarity continuously — he forgets, has a tendency not to follow current rules, gets into trouble, he is a kid never growing up, …, and wants to grow his mind in intelligence in the interest of fulfilling his universal hierarchical human needs, those of Existence Relatedness Growth. He considers his Existence and Relatedness fulfilled — although in-car living and COA sociality can be debated, and subject to authority.
To counter entropy and make his growth easier, and perhaps his behavior better, he has stumbled into Blogger publication to sharpen self criticism and allow another to peep into his inner workings about which he is also very curious. Publication has permitted his ability to read his writing — his initial identification of his writing was apologetically referred to as “scribbling” (in his ignorance he has used “scribble” and “write”). But as 2024 progresses, he is enthused by his Blogger writing.
Harv’s progress has been what some would describe as a long road. His computer writing support began in 1980. In 2024 week 34 he uncovered from his files a personal 1990s writing that mentioned his 13 year use of his T1000 computer — that was associated with his dissertation writing period challenge which pulled his job.work.life together under the heading of Functional Organization. His formal education degree progress has been personal.life.work — a search / chase for self in his current terms.
…… under construction
Harv has long claimed life-long-learning interest. Then one day, as he curated the news, he learned of what may be a parallel universe for him — that of naif.
His life-long-learning mantra may have been learned to cover, or in place of, his tradition-nurtured, born-innate, now-understood, alternate-mantra, that of, naif.
Jumping over any deep analysis, the naif characteristics offer an easy checklist for areas for freeing, as an individual progresses up their hierarchical needs of existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs. A separate hierarchy comes into play on the journey to the positive emotional polarity — Joy, Love, Freeing, as opposed to moving away from the negative emotional polarity — Sad, Hate, Fear. For a universal definition of the human self see another publication Section.
- — Naif characteristics easy checklist —
- a person who lacks knowledge of evil
- showing unaffected simplicity
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Fatal Flaw concludes from a supposed action.pattern — it is a conclusion. To the contrary, acting.humans have self.choice.
1. A fatal flaw is a trait intrinsic to a person's character that causes him to meet with failure in the end. The term always implies failure, because failure is the only evidence that the fatal flaw is there in the first place. https://www.ultius.com/glossary/literature/literature-vocabulary/fatal-flaw.html#:~:text=1.,there%20in%20the%20first%20place.
A fatal flaw, often referred to in literature and psychology, is a significant character defect or limitation. It can lead to one's downfall in real life. For example, these flaws can manifest as chronic behaviors or attitudes that consistently cause problems.Jun 4, 2024. https://ceoptions.com/2024/06/fatal-flaws-are-patterns-that-keep-us-stuck-in-childhood-muck/#:~:text=A%20fatal%20flaw%2C%20often%20referred,attitudes%20that%20consistently%20cause%20problems.Harv says, “Watch out for (be wary of) psychology.”. Seemingly, Harv has had a lifetime of psychology successes — breast fed baby, no peer competition, proud of youth work actualization, non-competitive in school (probably bored — explains walkaways and ‘eagerness’?), job success (but never collected a mentor), no second-guessing choices, decisive chices, …
Here are the 4 common fatal flaws: Procrastination. This is likely the most common fatal flaw. ... Perfectionism. We live in a society that glorifies perfectionism, but perfectionism is not only unrealistic but also leads to self-sabotage. ... Fear of failure. ... Lack of motivation. Aug 20, 2022 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-4-fatal-flaws-prevent-us-from-being-successful-chua-mba-
“Actions study” could be a more effective approach to a human’s productivity, rather than innumerable “fatal flaws” or sins in a religious context. For example, Harv possesses / owns his actions / functions / feelings / emotions as a human ‘producer’ of the human intrinsics of the joy-love-freeing positive polarity — away from the sad-hate-fear negative polarity. Harv’s products / actions aim that he produces are self.joy, self.love, and self.freeing in a relatedness context, but primarily for his own existence self.worth needs.
In 2024, Harv began his write.flow — even before he has established what his write.flow is. Sounds like he knows not where he’s going? Not exactly.
He chooses his direction to write — but what exactly is that, he knows not — it’s perhaps a true adventure — the ultimate adventure ?. He now knows in 2024, that publication was the key for him to feel a writer. Now that his write-tool-train is Blogger, he seems to be missing the format. APA for example? Books? Epub? Just blog? Journal submission? Two-semester Benedictine course ed study results for example? [He turned to Kindle for a model of Contents 24w33.]
He can collect / organize a presentation of write fragments on Blogger, that is, essays, a Master’s thesis, a PhD dissertation, and of late, a jumble of Blogger publication. However, those fragments cannot be considered a write.flow.
Here he is, in his third Disney World retirement phase, (1) <2015?K-Street interruption, (2) 2015?Forest Hill divorce, (3) 2017?Susan’s betterment advice; attempting to establish a write.flow evidentially connected to his happiness for 2025. And, most importantly, is he happy with that — and a bunch of connection whys ? Perhaps realizing that degrees didn’t do it, ‘his’ institutions didn’t do it, writing tools didn’t do it (Scrivener), …
Where is Harv’s reading of his ‘write.material’ read.demand? He has long simply answered — his self is the reader. Perhaps that is his end aim — self optimization?
He is going to take a flyer — to link a written happiness fragment from 2019 and tie it to his hopeful 2025 write.flow.
The fragment:
2019dec10. Haemin Sunim suggests a simple five-step plan to give yourself the gift of self-care this holiday season. Breath Accept Write Talk Walk. A trusted friend told him the solution was to “be good to yourself first — then to others.” The obvious forms of self-care are exercising, eating well and getting enough sleep. But self-care also means taking time for yourself to manage stress and practicing self-compassion, along with mindfulness and meditation techniques. It may feel selfish or too time-consuming to focus on your own needs, and many of us don’t know where or how to start. (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/10/well/mind/self-care-buddhism-monk-meditation-stress-anxiety-calm-Haemin-Sunim.html?algo=identity&fellback=false&imp_id=974651856&imp_id=295105890&action=click&module=Science%20%20Technology&pgtype=Homepage)
In the 1970s, Harv began his fight to focus on his owned self-defined needs. His effort of illumination lays in his case.study.publication going forward into 2025 and beyond.
Harv’s happiness lay in his ability to focus his life:time energy into his write.flow productivity — NOT Breath Accept Write Talk Walk. THUS, “ where or how to start,” is write.flow for Harv. His interface with publication has been essential to Harv’s progress thus far. Start by establishing a write.flow habit — #1 occurrence 24w31, #2 occurrence 24w33, #3 carried into 24w34 thus a habit may be forming — but much support cannot be ignored — (1) computers since 1980, (2) Spirit Command certification of his values, (3) Disney World retirement third try for a self.quality write.environ, (4) finances, (5) write.satisfaction / happiness verification, …
Harv began his publication with a justification that he was the audience of one — thus he could reap the benefits of having to confront the disorganization that always existed, and intimidated a confidence-building series of steps to what he now sees as his write.flow — a bit of reprieve time if you will.
However, he abruptly realizes that his write flow can not / must not include the wishes of others — especially since he does not know precisely the benefits that he wants from his bud of write.flow.
The pattern ingredients emerging for 2025, (1) write.flow, (2) work.flow [M.O.], (3) event.flow, (4) epoch.flow, (5) chase.flow, (6) focus.flow, (7) curate.flow, (8) cycle.flow [2 wheels, 3 wheels, 4 wheels], (9) E.R.G. needs fulfillment flow, (10) Harv the minimalist grinder, (11) …
His frustration with his write disorganization continues with several benefits appearing:
- he had to confront his disorganization of thought realizing that he wasn’t spending enough time to bring solution, [he overran his self as a fatal flaw — from where did he learn that ?]
- he persisted,
- he attracted several peekers who were probably not readers of any sort and certainly no encouragement,
- he enjoyed playing with the attractivrness of blog presentation,
- he appreciated bringing to the fore more organizated presentation of ‘known’ material (a self-confidence builder),
- today in 24week33, he actualized a second segment of his write.flow, and his “perfect blog” (similar to that of realizing his “perfect marriage” was in the eyes of his beholding — now his blog is held in similar status — thus perhaps, “He is a confirmed / evidenced perfectionist.” But, he may also claim a grasp of “perfectionist closure” — a management tool for control of the “perfectionist process”),
- fatal flaw study will clarify the grounding for Harv’s write.flow and in general his life:time.work.flow.