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- cooperation Page via LOFt

 begin Illustration Ten
Precedence Network scribble y2020
for complex precedence network click  I-Self 

simplistic List Of Functional tasks (LOFt) initially from weekly blog resolution in 2020
immune rest, 
pack LOFt, 
wellness a1783 a1767 a1745 a1806*,
sweet dreams, 
pack id a1831, 
dry clean, 
sound/light shows, 
spiff, includes OS’s maintenance.
*written articles

simplistic Precedence Network database
act#             pre act#
1 awareness 2
1 awareness 14
2 study 3
3 read 4
4 www(wifi/hotspot) 5
5 RIM 6
6 complex choices 7
7 philosophical thought 2
7 immune rest 8
7 immune rest 12
7 immune rest 13
8 wellness 9
8 wellness 11
9 diet Rx 10
10 health clinic 2
11 sweet dreams 7
12 sound/light shows 6
13 melodic 6
14 think critically? 2

a stepped diagram to illustrate reading the above network
1 awareness 2
2 study 3  
 3 read 4
4 www(wifi/hotspot) 5
5 RIM 6
6 complex choices 7
7 immune rest 13
13 melodic 6
the way(how) reads down to the right ==>>
<<== why reads up to the left
7 immune rest 8 12 
12 sound/light shows 6 
6 complex choices 7 
7 immune rest 13 
7 philosophical thought 2 
13 melodic 6
8 wellness 9 
9 diet Rx 10 
10 health clinic 2 
12 sound/light shows 6 
1 awareness 14 
14 think critically? 2

the way(how) reads down to the right ==>>
<<== why reads up to the left 

end Illustration Ten