To portray the universal human self begin with the universality of human feelings as emotions.
Think in terms of polarities so that all word descriptions of human feelings/emotions can be encompassed on a polarity line for specificity, reliability and validity.
- joy________sad -- polar line to encompass from the most joyous to the saddest
- love_______hate -- polar line to encompass from the most loving to the most hateful
- freeing_____fear -- a circumferential line to encompass the tiniest circle as most fearful and largest circle as the most freeing
Represent the self as a circle, then see the circle as a pie, quartered by the first two polarity lines above. The circumferential line is the size of the pie, that is, the size of your self.
When your circle self becomes minimal you can be considered catatonic, that is, frozen by fear. On the other hand, the opposite polarity of freeing expands your circle self. As when Wayne Dwyer wrote the final of his trilogy, that is, “The sky’s the limit.”
Where the joy____sad polarity-line crosses the love____hate polarity-line, is the center of the circle-self/pie-of-life as Harv calls it -- that infinitesimal point is the Point Of Choice (POC) for the diagrammed self.
This is one of Harv's initial personal growth realizations -- the universal human self has inherent choice. And it moves in the pie-of-life, coping with the mind filling the pie with ideas 24/7. The more ideas, the more thought. The more thought ... At that point is where several individuals in Harv's lifetime said, "Harv, you think too much."
The POC moves in its pie, experiencing voluntary and involuntary feelings/emotions, but POC still chooses. Even the rigidly-programmed self-default can be its choice.
As POC moves in its pie-of-life by way of its actions, the circle of the pie is brought into play. The circumference is the fear-freeing polarity. If maximum fear takes place, POC is catatonic with a very small pie to navigate. If freeing POC action takes place, the self circle is expanded. The essentialness of those actions makes POC into POCTA -- the self is a point of choice to action (POCTA). We choose who we are.
In Harv's PhD case study, his weekly actions are presented as Section One in his website (akin as his blog or journal).
The cryptic section I-Self notes (BIGGIES and NON-BIGGIES) are associated with accountability for what Maslow called self actualizations, and later what Harv considers as the fulfillment of universal hierarchical human needs of Existence, Relatedness, Growth (ERG as with Alderfer). See Illustration Three,
Each week, the week's Section One actualizations are 'closed' with a one-line description to his lifetime chronological display - Harv's life flow. The website calls that life-flow Autotelic Actualization.
Section Three is the bucket list, but not the only input causes for Harv's actions as POCTA. For example, Google offers a life expectancy calculation to give an initial indication of how many weeks of Section Three that Harv is offered to fill, by way of the positive feelings/emotions joy-love-freeing with a greater-circle result, through POCTA.
And his world can grow bigger.
The Four Horsemen
Hitchens, Christopher; Dawkins, Richard; Harris, Sam; Dennett, Daniel
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‘ How dare they affront and wound people for whom religion is so great a solace , balm , and support ? ’
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Support? Harv's 'soul'-support is self-definition, centered on choice, using some religious thinkers (Powell S.J. on REC love example) to understand his self/soul as "the Point Of Choice To Action (POCTA)".
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examined in the forensic light of reason , history and knowledge .
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reasoning? what is that? same question for logic or logical.
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the testing of assertions on the anvils of logic and verifiable fact .
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Maybe faith and belief in divinity and an afterlife , even if founded on claims for which there can be no evidence , may nonetheless be considered a force for good ?
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Why shouldn’t we accept a religious narrative irrespective of its truth – as a framework in this relativist culture
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each member of the Four is happy to agree that the world , the cosmos , and our human apprehension exhibit and experience the numinous .
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but the divinity is within the self -- internal process not external.
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reminds us that open enquiry , free thinking and the unfettered exchange of ideas yield real and tangible fruit .
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the fruit of personal growth -- happiness -- measured internally, yet not necessarily measured in external view
A real life application
Bergen: How would you grade Putin in this campaign? Has he got anything right? Petraeus: Putin has earned a failing grade to date. Let’s recall that the first and most important task of a strategic leader is to “get the big ideas right” – that is, to get the overall strategy and fundamental decisions right. Putin clearly has failed abysmally in that task, resulting in a war that has made him and his country a pariah, set back the Russian economy by a decade or more (losing many of Russia’s best and brightest, and prompting over 1,200 western companies to leave Russia or reduce operations there), done catastrophic damage to the Russian military and its reputation and put his legacy in serious jeopardy. That said, we should not underestimate Putin. He still believes that Russia can “out-suffer” the Ukrainians, Europeans, and Americans in the same way that Russians out-suffered Napoleon’s army and Hitler’s Nazis. And the US and our NATO and western allies and partners need to do all that we can, as quickly as we can, to enable Ukraine and prove Putin wrong.
1. Initially, this was the Introduction:
3. Without references for outline ease.
2024july22. MAGNETISM Charisma helps people get ahead at work, but don’t worry—it can be learned. Magnetism makes your conversation or email partners feel like they are charming. Practitioners and communications experts suggest asking questions that can elicit meaningful responses, matching the other person’s vibes, remembering details about others’ lives (Make notes in your phone, if that helps.), charming people regardless of their job descriptions and, if you’re introverted, using nonverbal cues such as a slow triple nod to show you’re listening.