.len 66 [Tmaker code]
.. curt version
HARV OTTO 913.648.7189.email 10501.Sagamore.Leawood.KS.66206
aimful [.fax and video.conference notes put this into 1997 arena]
prolific [ed newburg jean 9416 carter 599-4035]
synergistic [on grey paper]
improves one job or a whole organization - implements functional authority
ties mission to member.job.tasks using weekly self.review & project.review
elicits measured.productivity for delivery of shared.advantage
production planning - inventory minimization
office.manufacturing productivity increase
debtor-in-possession other.reorganization
enjoyable member-performance self-audit
in-house.university-campus teaching
budget.profit improvement-program
job.project task computerization
cost.credit.cash enhancement
strategy clarification
PhD functional.organization KensingtonUniversity.CA 87-96
human.organization.development FieldingInstitute.CA 86-87
higher.education.administration BowlingGreenStateU.OH 84-86
CMA certified.management.accountant Inst.Mgt.Accounting.NJ 77-91
MBA industrial.management MarquetteUniversity.WI 61-70
BSME mechanical.engineer MarquetteUniversity.WI 56-60
transcripts.vita.references.detail available
PROFESSOR.business capping courses marketing.finance.management
ranked 2 of 28, +15% student study BenedictineCollege.KS 89-90
rated 7 superior of 15 items WesleyCollege.DE 88-89
rated 9.5 of 10 scale ConcordCollege.WV 87-88
led 50 union faculty to hold classes 100% TerraTech.OH 84-85
achieved 100% preregistration for 1100 students
500 credit unions, audits of $1 billion annually State.IL 78-78
CONSULTANT.general management FunctionView.KS 97-00
debtor-in-possessions and reconstructions OH.WI 82-84
lone on-site administrator EmersonConsultants.NY 79-82
prepared strategic $169,000,000 savings plan Conrail.PA
+20% productivity for 500 employees McGrawEdison.TX
overall business productivity improvement plan SchenkTrebel.NY
saved matls.mgt.$130,000.year $149,000.once GeneralElectric.NY
justified.detailed facility expansion SaltRiverProject.AZ
GENERAL MANAGER.VP.adm.finance Spf.Plastics.IL.IA.MN 76-78
took 100 person operation to 30, reduced breakeven 40%
DIRECTOR.production GeneralSignal.MN.TN.GA.CA.En.Au 74-76
cured 17 week.av.project delay, order.delinquency 50% to 10%
solicited.scheduled $3,700,000 budget savings (7% of sales)
CONTROLLER Condec.OH 79-79
reduced budget variances 90% Brunswick.WI.FL.OK 67-74
marketed $1 million loss to $2 million.year sales at 35% gross
installed weekly checkbooks for $1,000,000.month engineering
ENGINEER.production GlobeUnion.WI.IA 61-67
initiated 60% of cost reductions in group of three engineers
+20% fabrication productivity without capital influx
.. long version
HARV OTTO 913.648.7189 10501 Sagamore Leawood KS 66206
NOURISHES FUNCTIONALITY for one job or a whole organization
ties mission and learning to member.job.tasks using weekly self.review
and project.review
elicits measured.productivity for delivery of shared.advantage
* PhD functional.organization Kensington University CA 87-96
+ human.organization.development Fielding Institute CA 86-87
higher.education.administration Bowling Green State U.OH 84-86
CMA certified.management.accountant Inst.Mgt.Accounting NJ 77-91
MBA industrial.management Marquette University WI 61-70
BSME mechanical.engineer Marquette University WI 56-60
*+ = emphasis transcripts.vita.references.detail available
physical.intellective young.self.activities Europe FL OH KS MO 90-96
PROFESSOR.business taught cap courses - marketing.finance.management
ranked 2nd of 28 faculty Benedictine College KS 89-90
+ increased student study 15% with student peer action
rated 7 superior of 15 items Wesley College DE 88-89
rated 3 perfect from 5 peers at Amer.Assc.Accountants Seminar
rated 9.5 of 10 scale Concord College WV 87-88
substituted Terra Technical College OH 85-85
DIRECTOR.administrative Concord College WV 87-88
coordinated evening programs of 400 students and their faculty
+ led 50 union faculty to hold classes 100% Terra Tech OH 84-85
+ achieved 100% preregistration contact for 1100 students
made in-class evaluations and improvements
500 credit unions, audits of $1 billion annually State of IL 78-78
CONSULTANT.general management Function View KS 97-98
debtor-in-possessions and reconstructions Function View OH WI 82-84
lone on-site administrator Emerson Consultants NY 79-82
* prepared strategic $169,000,000 savings plan Conrail PA
* +20% productivity for 500 employees McGraw Edison TX
overall business productivity improvement plan Schenk Trebel NY
saved matls mgt $130,000.year $149,000.once General Electric NY
justified and detailed facility expansion Salt River Project AZ
VP.administration.finance Springfield Plastics IL IA MN 76-78
arranged $1,000,000 bank credit developed financing alternatives
* took 100 person operation to 30 improved cost.delivery.quality
reduced breakeven 40%
DIRECTOR.production General Signal MN TN GA CA Eng.Austral.74-76
+ corrected 17 week average project delay
* solicited and scheduled $3,700,000 budget savings (6.8% of sales)
reduced foundry.machining.assembly budget variances 90%
took shipment delinquency from 50% to 10% of orders
CONTROLLER Condec OH 79-79
reduced receivable days from 69 to 51 reduced accounting load 10%
applied responsibility accounting installed gross margin analysis
reduced budget variances 90% Brunswick WI FL OK 67-74
+ computerized engineering project control
+ marketed $1 million loss to annual $2 million sales at 35% gross
* installed weekly checkbooks for $1,000,000.month engineer operation
ENGINEER.production Globe Union WI IA 61-67
initiated 60% of cost reductions in group of three engineers
* +20% fabrication productivity without capital influx
.. short version
HARV OTTO 913.648.7189 10501 Sagamore Leawood KS 66206
FUNCTIONALISM one job or a whole organization
ties mission to member.job.tasks - weekly self.review & project.review
elicits measured.productivity for delivery of shared.advantage
PhD functional.organization Kensington University CA 87-96
human.organization.development Fielding Institute CA 86-87
higher.education.administration Bowling Green State U.OH 84-86
CMA certified.management.accountant Inst.Mgt.Accounting NJ 77-91
MBA industrial.management Marquette University WI 61-70
BSME mechanical.engineer Marquette University WI 56-60
transcripts.vita.references.detail available
PROFESSOR.business taught cap courses - marketing.finance.management
rank 2 of 28 +15% student study Benedictine College KS 89-90
rated 7 superior of 15 items Wesley College DE 88-89
rated 9.5 of 10 scale Concord College WV 87-88
led 50 union faculty to hold classes 100% Terra Tech OH 84-85
achieved 100% preregistration for 1100 students
500 credit unions, audits of $1 billion annually State of IL 78-78
CONSULTANT.general management Function View KS 97-98
debtor-in-possessions and reconstructions OH WI 82-84
lone on-site administrator Emerson Consultants NY 79-82
prepared strategic $169,000,000 savings plan Conrail PA
+20% productivity for 500 employees McGraw Edison TX
overall business productivity improvement plan Schenk Trebel NY
saved matls mgt $130,000.year $149,000.once General Electric NY
justified and detailed facility expansion Salt River Project AZ
GENERAL MANAGER.VP.adm.finance Springfield Plastics IL IA MN 76-78
took 100 person operation to 30 reduced breakeven 40%
DIRECTOR.production General Signal MN TN GA CA Eng.Austral.74-76
corrected 17 week.av.project delay order delinquency 50% to 10%
solicited and scheduled $3,700,000 budget savings (6.8% of sales)
CONTROLLER Condec OH 79-79
reduced budget variances 90% Brunswick WI FL OK 67-74
marketed $1 million loss to annual $2 million sales at 35% gross
installed weekly checkbooks for $1,000,000.month engineer operation
ENGINEER.production Globe Union WI IA 61-67
initiated 60% of cost reductions in group of three engineers
+20% fabrication productivity without capital influx