Harv-the-Loner has a lifetime that flowed dynamically, that is, with constant change, activity, or progress.
DYNAMICALLY: adverb: 1 in a manner characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. • in a way that relates to motion. • Computing used in relation to web pages that update frequently or are generated according to an individual's search terms: a robust, dynamically generated website. 2 in a positive, energetic, and innovative manner.(OxfordAmericanDictionary-OAD)
Illustration Eight
LIFE.EPOCHS.flow interpretation 2024sep27.2024nov05
His lifetime flow is concisely measured in epochs: (the below capitalization of 'self' indicates remediation, that is, actualization of realistic navigation of his point-of-choice within his pie-of-life)
Epoch 6 -- 6y to age 92 frail* SELF-responsibility -- fulfillment of ERG needs
Epoch 5 -- 2y to age 86sep obtain wholistic SELF -- Disney retirement / write tools
Epoch 4 -- 5y to age 84 SELF-spirit-responsibility -- studying his lifetime into order
Epoch 3 -- 22y to age 79 family chase -- the remaining fragment of parental responsibility ?
Epoch 2 -- 35y to age 57 life-partnership-chase -- seeking the comfort of personal support ?
Epoch 1 -- 22 years Happy Harv Otto's H2o-self-spirit-development -- knighted as Happy Harv
lifetime of 92 years (statistical life expectancy in year 86) *foot ‘broke’ 2024jan, eyesight headaches 2024oct, standing up 2024nov, …
family on vacation in central WI 1940? Jr 2y? |
At the beginning of Epoch One, Harv thinks he was a normal happy curious toddler (with pic evidence), and not particularly sheltered. His toddler education was kindergarten at public school, then parochial elementary a mile away.
He holds the opinion that he was never shut down, that is, mostly ignored to his own devices. Neither parent was excited about getting caught by pregnancy, and the decision not to have an abortion, although debated, and the subsequent shotgun wedding a month before Harv’s full term birth !
It probably happened in mid elementary grades, that is, the infection with lifelong learning.
Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated"[1] pursuit of learning for either personal or professional reasons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifelong_learning
Beginning in Epoch Four, Happy Harv has again 'arrived' in his lifetime as that Happy Harv ! He has become whole, as in wholistic. He has confirmed this through his recent 2023 'Yogananda' study -- but never anywhere near conversion. He is satisficed.
WHOLISTIC: adjective variant spelling of holistic.(OAD) holistic: adjective: characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.(OAD)
SATISFICE: verb formal: accept an available option as satisfactory.(OAD)
Harv the LONER finds his continuing 2023 lifestyle satisfactory, that is specifically, living out of his car, as he has done for decades, now in Four Townes, Florida; for peace and convenience.
- educational degrees -- BSME1960 MBA 1970 CMA 1974 PhD1996.
- 1400 page dissertation on Functional Organization -- post-PhD personal case study.
- a struggle to write/publish his case study -- 2010 began web site activity
- a current dynamic world -- COA changes, government developments, his car wears, he ages, ... (Ben Franklin from is Poor Richard's Almanac)"The harder [Harv adds smarter] I work, the luckier I get."
- he navigates/studies through his dynamic pie-of-life -- joyfully, lovingly, freeing, ...
Blog development
The 2024 New-Year blog body compared a historical hermit image with his 2008 CA toast under BIO. But that scene of comparison has past its time since his peace/convenience personal actualization of his me-self life-history. Saved in entirty below :
2023dec27. Questions for my self ?
Are you functional?
historical hermit |
E R G satisficed ?
R E C self/another/others ?
2023nov22. Who am I, "Who, who ?"
A: Harv has lived on/off out of his car for decades,
he intellectualizes/publishes out of his MacBook Air,
to better answer, "Who is me ? "
HERMIT: noun: person living in solitude or conditioned to do so.
SOLITUDE: noun: state or situation of being alone, resulting in
2023dec29. Best "me-self history events" yet.
This 2024 New Year publishment marked an understanding of the comparison of the historical hermit and Harv in 2008, also a hermit at that time, and perhaps a life-long trait.
He is action oriented -- his self is defined as the Point-Of-Choice-To-Action (POCTA).
the REJECTED view
(OAD thesaurus) REJECT: verb [stress on the second syllable]; 1 the miners rejected the government's offer to negotiate their demands. turn down, refuse, decline, say no to; dismiss, spurn; informal give the thumbs down to, give the red light to, give something a miss; British English informal knock back. ANTONYMS accept.
2 she had been deeply in love with Jamie, but he rejected her. rebuff, spurn, repudiate, cut off, cast off, cast aside, discard, jettison, abandon, desert, turn one's back on, have nothing (more) to do with, wash one's hands of, cast out, shut out, exclude, shun, cold-shoulder, give someone the cold shoulder; ostracize, blackball, blacklist, avoid, give a wide berth to, ignore, snub, cut dead, keep at arm's length, leave out in the cold; British English send to Coventry; North American English disfellowship; informal give someone the brush-off, kick someone in the teeth, freeze out, hand someone the frozen mitt; informal, dated give someone the go-by; British English informal give someone the push, give someone the elbow, give someone the big E, bin off, blank; North American English informal give someone the air; dated cut; Christian church excommunicate; archaic forsake. ANTONYMS welcome.
(OAD) reject: verb [stress on the second syllable]: : 1 the miners rejected the government's offer to negotiate their demands. turn down, refuse, decline, say no to; dismiss, spurn; informal give the thumbs down to, give the red light to, give something a miss; British English informal knock back; rare negative. ANTONYMS accept. 1 the miners rejected the government's offer to negotiate their demands. turn down, refuse, decline, say no to; dismiss, spurn; informal give the thumbs down to, give the red light to, give something a miss; British English informal knock back; rare negative. ANTONYMS accept. 2 she had been deeply in love with Jamie, but he rejected her. rebuff, spurn, repudiate, cut off, cast off, cast aside, discard, jettison, abandon, desert, turn one's back on, have nothing (more) to do with, wash one's hands of, cast out, shut out, exclude, shun, cold-shoulder, give someone the cold shoulder; ostracize, blackball, blacklist, avoid, give a wide berth to, ignore, snub, cut dead, keep at arm's length, leave out in the cold; British English send to Coventry; North American English disfellowship; informal give someone the brush-off, kick someone in the teeth, freeze out, hand someone the frozen mitt; informal, dated give someone the go-by; British English informal give someone the push, give someone the elbow, give someone the big E, bin off, blank; North American English informal give someone the air; dated cut; Christian church excommunicate; archaic forsake. ANTONYMS welcome.(OAD dictionary) REJECT: verb [with object] | rəˈjek(t) |dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste.• refuse to agree to (a request): an application to hold a pop concert at the club was rejected.• fail to show due affection or concern for (someone); rebuff: she didn't want him to feel he had been rejected after his sister was born.• Medicine show an immune response to (a transplanted organ or tissue) so that it fails to survive: his body could begin to reject the implanted heart.noun | ˈrēˌjek(t) |a person or thing dismissed as failing to meet standards or satisfy tastes: some of the team's rejects have gone on to prove themselves in championships.