2024week12 reverse sleep trend by week 99 109 83 103 91 94 83 83 79 96 91 85 92 .. 90 -- 91 is 13 hours daily.
2019dec09. apnea. There are some alternatives to CPAP with evidence of effectiveness. Some people sleep better with oral appliances or nasal patches. Some are treated with surgery, but that’s usually reserved for the worst cases. Many Americans complain about their sleep. They turn to medications, like Ambien. They turn to supplements, like melatonin. They turn to devices and software. These days, they even seem to turn to unproven solutions like CBD oil. Many, however, probably suffer from sleep apnea. What they need are open airways while they sleep, and a health care system that makes it easier for them to get them. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/09/upshot/sleep-apnea-CPAP-health.html?action=click&module=Editors%20Picks&pgtype=Homepage