- 2023july23. Intolerable itch may have been heightened by 'zyrtec' discontinuance. Discuss with Broome 8/8, Desai/Veronica 9/5.
- 2023july23. 268#net weight loss 264# (@NEF) past rut 269# SURPRISE 263# net Discuss with April 9/12.
- 2023may18. Dental cleaning. Harv spent several anxiety hours (BP 120/74) hammering his dental health strategy/tactics into a packed-away future event 2023nov22 exam/cleaning ar CHC Forest City under WellCare medicare advantage. Routine is daily brush/floss with 'hotspot' control. Yearly exam and six-month cleaning scheduled 11/29.
- COPE dementia word problems by wooing peace Six-month review with Tikku scheduled for 10/12.
- reading with left eye only 2023 Wellcare eye exam die later this year.
- old rotator cuff ache resurfaces began daily gel applications with no relief. Began heat pad applications. Began user recommended Traumeel -- but proved ineffective. Relief came in July for no apparent reason.
- L foot pain from collapsed arch -- bandage NG, crutches NG, stick shift car required foot boot, ice no longer used, boot permits walking -- typical foot failure six months recovery. Had to tweak car to facilitate shifting with boot. "Nitro" walker reactivated for daily use. In first month, walking short distances with boot alone. Into second month, foot function has improved, but still in boot, far from fully functional. Third month, began non-boot function too soon injures foot again -- back to square one. Optimism -- a week of walking with just light shoe-boot and walker continues. Finally walking and car shifting with the old sandals (but size bigger on hurt foot), and now into the third week but foot is still tender. Walker use continues for toting accoutrements bag into COA.
- incontinence becomes very bothersome -- some low grade ill? Identified with allergy cold. Allergy cold -- nose incessantly drips, seems like some virus, maybe, O.L.D syndrome. Better as spring progresses.
magnitude of ill happenings leave less life time in hours and life energy for functional living